
CFO's leave

4 in 1 year

G is the first one, T is the second, M is the third, E is the fourth. Who is the fifth?

M asked me my original schedule few days ago. I answered there is no good chance to try.

We had a lunch with CFO for her leave. I took my DC but only took 2 photos in the last minute. Not a regular type, just I like.

CFO's leave

Echo's leave
(Sam and Hank 在比賽起立蹲下,Sam以迅雷不及掩耳的速度進行中,不過,Hank腳比較開,應該略勝一籌。Richard心中OS:Sam 你怎麼有勇氣做起立蹲下,再怎麼做,都不會性感)

